It may seem crazy, but there actually are websites out there that are still utilizing Flash to load content. We thought that Apple’s complete lack of support would cause most sites to move away from it, but apparently not. Now, with Google Chrome jumping on the bandwagon to do away with Flash, maybe we’ll see even fewer sites still using it.
In December, Chrome 55 will make HTML5 the default experience, except for sites which only support Flash. For those, you’ll be prompted to enable Flash when you first visit the site. Aside from that, the only change you’ll notice is a safer and more power-efficient browsing experience.
So, if your site still uses Flash to load content and you want to make sure that users are still able to view the site automatically (without being prompted to enable Flash), give us a call. We can create a site that not only doesn’t use flash, but is responsive (mobile-friendly) and has a powerful content management system that will allow you to update the content yourself.